Wednesday, March 17, 2010

O What a Night!

Heading out a little early, I cruised a guy who looked fairly good and anxious to be picked up. We played cat-n-mouse for about a half-an-hour before he finally pointed to a parking lot at a closed business and walked into it. I pulled up next to him and he looked like he may have had hygeine problems, yet we talked for a while. He said he just got in from LA yesterday and was revisiting the neighborhood. He thought he remembered me from when he lived in Chicago before. I thought it was possible. Yet, if I had met him before, he looked quite a bit older unshaven with a graying beard and now that he was missing a tooth in front. I wanted to ask if he lost the tooth since he'd supposedly seen me before, but I didn't. If he had the tooth the last time I saw him, I think I probably even picked him up before, but it must have been quite a while ago. As bold as he was, he either knew or was quite sure that I'm a cocksucker. He grabbed his package in his black jeans and pleaded, "C'mon, please?" I grabbed his baseball hat to see his haircut, and he had a cute buzz cut which made me think twice about turning him down since part of the dirty image he was presenting was with that damn hat he was wearing. He looked much better without it.
I told him I might be back around a little later.
I was - but he was gone.

Next, I saw a regular standing at a bus stop laughing with some lady waiting there with him. He extended his arm for me to give him a ride, but I just waved and drove on. I just wasn't in the mood for him tonight. He's cute and all, but the time wasn't good for seeing him. He'll ask me about passing him up next time I'm with him, but I can just say, "You were with someone, and I was in a hurry anyway."

Then, I went to the area I got lucky, to say the least, last night. I passed the apartment of the guy I sucked last night. No lights were on so I thought he was asleep already or maybe just out. Though he told me he worked early in the morning, so he was probably asleep. Whichever, I moved on. When I passed the liquor store where I found him last night, I played cat-n-mouse with a guy standing in front. He started walking over to my vehicle when I parked a distance away but chickened out. He was tall, trim, goateed, not bad at all. I cruised by him a couple more times until he raised his arms as to say, "What's up?" I pointed down a side street so I wouldn't be talking to him right on the main street, but he never walked down it. Some time later, he was gone. I didn't see him walk away, so he was probably given a ride with someone else.

Just as I was ready to stop somewhere for a soda and call it a night, a guy in a black hoody, black cap, awesome terrific-fitting new blue jeans and hott black Jordan sneakers with white socks pedaled up on his bicycle and rushed into the liquor store. I waited, and in practically no time, he was back on the sidewalk and pedaling away with a 24-case of beer in one hand. I circled around and went to honk my horn at him, but then saw a police car sitting alongside the street. A block further up, I felt comfortable tapping the horn and the stud ignored. A block further up, I did the same and he ignored again. When he turned down a side street, stopped at an apartment building, and opened a door to take the bike and beer in, I stopped on the street and yelled, "Hey, Babe." He looked back and I could see close-up that he really was a babe!! He said, "Hello, little English." I said, "How are you?" He put the bike and beer down on the sidewalk and walked over to my vehicle. I made chit-chat about whatever and found out that he speaks more English than most who say 'No English.' Before letting him go, I told him that I'd sure like to get to know him some night when he's not busy. Though he may not have understood everything I was saying with words, he understood my very very hungry look! He looked back towards his apartment door to make sure nobody was looking, and with both hands at waist-level, he pointed one finger on each hand down to his awesome blue jeans crotch and raised his eyebrows as if to say, "You want this?" I smiled - he smiled - I shook my head yes as if to say, "Yeah, baby!"

He quickly put his bike and beer aside, closed the door to his apartment, got in my vehicle and said that we shouldn't go far. I questioned if we could go to his place and he said he had two roommates who were home. Turns out he's been in the area for a year and has no idea about doing something like this but was eager to find out in order to bust a nut. He assumed that I wanted to get fucked as many novices do, and I could tell he was relieved when I told him I only wanted to suck his cock real good for him. He was all for that! (Show me a straight guy who says he doesn't love getting head and I'll show you a face-fuckin' liar!) It was two hours and some-sixty pics later before I'd bring him back to his place to exchange numbers with each other with a promise of another date.

I know I wrote this once before, but after meeting this guy last night, I can honestly write it again. This guy is the cutest guy I've been with - ever!

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